The Corthan Legacy

Years before Archer became Captain Khoury's trusted lieutenant, before he faced down giants and murderous trees and sorcerers, Archer was just Reid Tarhill - the simple son of a trapper in love with a girl he thought beyond his reach. Maura O'Mara is many things to young Tarhill - childhood friend, partner in crime, and the chieftain's daughter. One fateful Fire Night, Reid plans a performance to capture Maura's attention. Unfortunately, his father notices her interest too and tries to thwart the courtship by throwing in with a rival clan's suitor. The Seal Clan's heir is a far better match for a woman of Maura's status, but Gilland Fynan doesn’t know her like Reid does. While Gilland tries to impress her with his skills, Reid charms Maura with tales of love and honor. Sickness, a dangerous rogue bear, and a damning revelation threaten to tear them apart for good. Who knew that the fate of the entire Clan would rest on Maura's choice. It will take more than a faithful heart and a handful of stories to keep his Clan and his beloved Maura safe . But more than anything else, Reid realizes she is the woman he'd risk everything for.