
Women Lightworker your sacred role coaching session & meditations Connect to sacred femininity : awaken your feminine power, clear ancestral karma & trauma, honour your worth, guidance & support


You have a sacred role on earth. You are bringing light to this evolution era. You are a spiritual being that has a human body. Your frequencies and vibrations are important to the evolution of humankind. Sometimes it is easy for you to forget the enormous power you have

As a woman, you are extra receptive to energies. You need to align with your female ancestors. You have the power to heal your personal karma as well as the ancestral one. You are more powerful than you think. In awakening your power to heal, you are paving the lights for generations to come.

In this course, we will help you to awaken your feminine power. So that you can embrace your feminine qualities. You are a powerful woman living on earth. Your sacred feminine power has enormous healing energies. We will connect to your female ancestors and heal any karmas and wounds.

In this course, we will

Connect to your ancestors Awaken your goddess qualities Clear ancestral trauma Healing in other lifetimes & dimensions Raise your self-worth Embrace your true qualities Deeply forgive and accept yourself Let go of guilt and shame And much more In awakening to your true feminine power, you align with your true goddess self and heal the world!

Oppleser: Chantalia