
Serbian Fairy Tales – Folklore & Mystique of the Balkans : The Bear's Son, Good Deeds are Never Lost, Bird Girl, Bash-Chalek, The Dream of the King's Son…


Embark on a captivating journey into the rich tapestry of Balkan folklore with "Serbian Fairy Tales," a collection that brings to life the enchanting stories and timeless traditions of the region. This anthology, a treasure trove of folk tales, traditional stories, and fairy tales, unveils the magic and wisdom embedded in the cultural fabric of the Balkans. This collection includes following stories:

The Bear's Son

The Golden Apple-Tree and the Nine Peahens

Papalluga; or, the Golden Slipper

Satan's Jugglings and God's Might

Good Deeds are Never Lost

The Wicked Stepmother

Bird Girl

Sir Peppercorn

Bash-Chalek; or True Steel

The Biter Bit

The Trade That No One Knows

The Three Suitors

The Golden-Haired Twins

The Dream of the King's Son

The Three Brothers

The Shepherd and the King's Daughter

"Serbian Fairy Tales" is a spellbinding collection that invites readers to savor the magic, wisdom, and cultural richness of the Balkans through these timeless and enchanting stories. Each narrative is a portal into a world where folklore intertwines with the human experience, offering both entertainment and profound insights.