
Modern Exorcisms: The History of Recently Reported Cases of People Being Possessed by the Devil


While people might associate possession and exorcism with the past, particularly the medieval world, claims have increased dramatically in the past 50 years. The situation became so serious that in 1990, a group of Roman Catholic priests formed the International Association of Exorcists (IAE). This group lobbied the Vatican to recognize the growth of instances in demonic possession, and in 2004, the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith asked every Catholic diocese to appoint a trained exorcist. Precise figures are very difficult to obtain (the Catholic Church, for example, does not publish official statistics for the number of exorcisms performed by its priests). What is known is that most large Catholic dioceses in North America have access to official exorcists, and these priests receive specialist training to undertake exorcism ministries. No official numbers are available (the Catholic Church does not identify priests who act as exorcists), but it is believed that in 2011, the Catholic Church had around 15 trained exorcists in North America. Today, that number is believed to be well over 100.

This increasing belief in demonic possession has also led to an increase in the numbers of exorcisms that priests and others are called to perform. Again, precise figures are not available, but one high-profile exorcist in America, Father Vincent Lampert, the exorcist for the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, told a reporter in October 2018 that he had received over 1,700 requests for exorcisms so far that year, the highest number he had ever experienced. Other Catholic priests trained in exorcism rites in North America had said that this aspect of their ministry has become so overwhelming that they can barely cope with requests for exorcisms. The concepts of demonic possession and exorcism are not merely topics of interest to historians, but things that are affecting growing numbers of ordinary people around the world right now.

Oppleser: Jim D. Johnston